Think of a content marketing strategy, which consists of promoting your services, products, or brand, all by partnering or collaborating with an influencer. This is called influencer marketing.
Instagram stories and posts that are sponsored fall under the category of influencer marketing. When you are collaborating or partnering with the Instagram influencers for promoting your business, brands, product, or services on Instagram, you are actually doing influencer marketing on Instagram.
Why Use Influencer Marketing?
As of now, you have gained a basic idea about influencer marketing on Instagram; now, we will talk about why you should opt for influencer marketing in the first place.
- Throughout the last two years, influencer marketing campaigns have increased.
- 90% of the survey respondents think that influencer marketing is going to be an effective form of marketing.
- In 2022, the influencer marketing industry is going to be a $16.4 billion industry.
- In the last 2021, the number of influencer marketing-related companies and services grew by 26%.
- For all those brands that engage in influencer marketing, Instagram is the preferred social media channel.
- In the past 2021, Zara was the most mentioned brand on Instagram.
- In order to find a new product, Instagram is still a viable avenue for users.
Why Choose Instagram for Influencer Marketing?
From the above discussion, it is a little clear why big brands and companies are opting for influencer marketing. But the major questions lie somewhere else.
Why Instagram?
Why not YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, or any other social media platforms?
All of these platforms also work great for influencer marketing, But when Instagram gets into the action, none of them can stand even close to that. To know more about IG growth strategy, click here.
With more than 1 billion users, Instagram is offering marketers a great platform for reaching their target audience. The user base might not be as huge as Facebook, but it is much more engaging, which makes it a more effective way for companies and brands to get their messages heard and seen.
In comparison to other influencer marketing platforms, Instagram has the highest interaction rate. As per a report, we have found some statistics on Influencer marketing on Instagram. Here they are.
- 68% of channel utilization goes to Instagram.
- 43% of channel utilization goes to Facebook.
- 36% of channel utilization goes to YouTube.
How To Do Instagram Influencer Marketing
Now, after knowing all the basics, it is time to check out the strategies or the steps you need to take while doing influencer marketing on Instagram.
Set Clear Goals and KPIs
Before you start with your campaign, you need to set your goals. When you have a clear idea about what you want for a particular influencer marketing campaign on Instagram, you will be able to plan and strategize the campaign in the proper way and get the best results.
Set A Budget
Only planning and strategy will not be able to save you if you have a budget crunch. You can not put your entire profit or income into this campaign. For the initial days, we will advise you to go with a small amount, and with the increasing results, you can increase the amount and implement some newer strategies.
Search For The Ideal Influencers
Searching for the influencers who will be the perfect suit for your brand and products is another important task. Here you need to consider the following factors.
- Niche.
- Reach.
- Engagement rate.
- Voice.
Decide On Collaboration Structure
After deciding on the influencers you are going to work with, it is time to consider how you are going to collaborate with them. For a smooth run of the campaign, this is extremely necessary. Here are some negotiating factors.
- Content production.
- Campaign timeframe.
- Compensation.
- Content usage rights.
- Monetary payments.
Types of Influencer Campaigns On Instagram
Once you have listed down the influencers with whom you want to work with, it is time to talk with them about the types of posts you like them to carry out on your behalf on Instagram. When you are determining the best possible combination for your campaign, you need to again consider the goals you have set. Here are some typical types of campaigns.
- Branded content.
- Sponsored posts.
- Reviews.
- Contests.